Lab-Mutha: Recording an EP in 2013

Lab-Mutha: Recording an EP in 2013

The lil' boys are back together. least we're giving it a try. Lab-Mutha is gonna record a 4 track demo which will contain 4 of their favourite tracks they made in there musical gathering. Tracklist will contain Message Apparel, The Onward Grey, Halo and a new track with working title Vista.

Looking forward to record, have fun and finally make a representive demo recording! Stay tuned for more information, details and probably a link to the downloads of the recordings. Probably will take a while, but hey, let's give the boys some slack...

Rebecca Meershoek - Snow

Rebecca Meershoek - Snow

I just started recording some tracks with Rebecca Meershoek. We finished the demo version of "Snow". A minimalistic piano track. Piano, vocals and Acoustics done by Rebecca herself. Not bad for a first demo!

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